
Financial Fridays: NCUA offers free financial literacy resources

National Credit Union Administration


The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) is the independent federal agency created by the U.S. Congress to regulate, charter and supervise federal credit unions. With the backing of the full faith and credit of the United States, NCUA operates and manages the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund, insuring the deposits of nearly 105 million account holders in all federal credit unions and the overwhelming majority of state-chartered credit unions. At MyCreditUnion.gov, NCUA also educates the public on consumer financial protection and financial literacy issues.


Under the Federal Credit Union Act, promoting financial literacy is a core credit union mission. Credit unions serve the needs of their members and promote financial literacy within the communities they serve, and NCUA works to reinforce credit union efforts, raise consumer awareness and increase access to credit union services. NCUA also participates in national financial literacy initiatives, including the Financial Literacy and Education Commission, an interagency group created by Congress to improve the nation’s financial literacy and education.

  • MyCreditUnion.gov is NCUA’s official consumer financial protection website. This free consumer website, offers personal finance information and interactive financial learning tools designed to help individuals make smarter financial decisions. The website also explains how credit unions work, where to find a credit union to join, and even how to start a credit union.
  • Interactive Learning Tools for Young People
    • “Hit the Road” is fun resource that was developed for teaching young people money management skills in the classroom and at home. “Hit the Road” takes students on a virtual road trip where they encounter challenges, learn how to save, and spend money wisely along the way.
    • “World of Cents” provides a fun and engaging opportunity for children to learn the concepts of earning, saving, and spending money while building their very own magical world full of whimsical playhouses. The gameplay experience touches on the important building blocks for making smart financial decisions, such as math skills, good savings habits, and financial literacy. “World of Cents” utilizes coin value recognition to demonstrate how to save and manage money. Users even have the option of viewing their world in 4D. The game is available in the App Store and Google Play. The web-based version is accessible on MyCreditUnion.gov.
  • NCUA Consumer Report is a video series designed to engage and empower consumers to make better financial decisions. Topics include wealth building, understanding payday loans, how to avoid frauds and scams, and how savings are federally insured. The videos are available through MyCreditUnion.gov and NCUA’s official YouTube channel.
  • NCUA’s official consumer Twitter feed @MyCUgov features daily personal finance tips designed to help individuals make better choices with their money.

To promote the financial well-being of credit union members and consumers nationwide, NCUA encourages credit unions, their member-owners, consumers, non-profits, local governments, and others to share and use NCUA’s free financial literacy resources available on MyCreditUnion.gov.

Visit MyCreditUnion.gov to learn more about NCUA’s financial literacy resources.


Check out NCUA’s new interactive infographic “What is a Credit Union?”

The interactive resource provides an easy way for people of all ages to understand how and why credit unions operate while also highlighting the differences between credit unions and other types of financial institutions, such as banks.

Also, you may watch and share the “NCUA Consumer Report: Is a Credit Union Right for Me?” video which describes the benefits of credit union membership and the products and services credit unions offer.


World of Cents

Hit the Road – A Financial Adventure

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